Category Archives for Health

Menstruating in Dignity — Breaking the cycle of silence

Menstruating in Dignity — Breaking the cycle of silence

In Liberia, approximately 1.2 million women and girls experienced menstruation every 28 days, as per the Liberia Demographics Profile 2021 Report. Yet, thousands of these women and girls grapple with managing their menstrual cycles in…
SOS Children’s Villages UK and SOS Children’s Villages in Liberia combat malaria – providing free malaria treatment and vaccination to over 3,750 children in Liberia

SOS Children’s Villages UK and SOS Children’s Villages in Liberia combat malaria – providing free malaria treatment and vaccination to over 3,750 children in Liberia

1 in 10 children die before their fifth birthday from malaria each year in Liberia (UNICEF), but simple affordable measures can save more lives. Children who are 5 years old or younger are the most…
SOS Children’s Villages and Be Girl agreed to collaborate to improve menstrual hygiene and enhance sexual reproductive health education.

SOS Children’s Villages and Be Girl agreed to collaborate to improve menstrual hygiene and enhance sexual reproductive health education.

SOS Children’s Villages and Be Girl agreed to work together to improve menstrual hygiene and enhance sexual reproductive health education. The collaboration and partnership will focus on key priority areas for support to females, including…
Together, we can beat malaria!

Together, we can beat malaria!

Together, we can beat malaria. In Liberia, SOS Children’s Villages supported Medical Centre is working with families to prevent and treat malaria in children from 0-17 years through testing, treatment, and door-to-door awareness on malaria…
Dr. Amavi Bada, the CVI Rep, met with senior managers at the SOS Children’s Villages supported Medical Centre

Dr. Amavi Bada, the CVI Rep, met with senior managers at the SOS Children’s Villages supported Medical Centre

SOS Children’s Villages Representatives and SOS Children’s Villages in Liberia National Director tour SOS Children’s Villages Supported-Medical Centre in Liberia and encourage staff to continue to remain committed to their work As a part of…
More than 7,000 children benefit from routine immunization at the SOS Children’s Villages International supported Medical Centre in Liberia

More than 7,000 children benefit from routine immunization at the SOS Children’s Villages International supported Medical Centre in Liberia

Vaccines are found to be the greatest advances in public health and development globally. It is proven to be the most effective way to prevent diseases, such as diphtheria, measles, polio, pneumonia, yellow fever, tetanus,…
Zero-dose children: SOS Children’s Villages Medical Centre reaching the hard-to-reach

Zero-dose children: SOS Children’s Villages Medical Centre reaching the hard-to-reach

Every child has a right to healthcare, but thousands of children lack access to quality healthcare in Liberia. Getting a child vaccinated is an important step toward combating preventable diseases.  Nationally, routine immunization coverage declined…
Combating malaria, one child and caregiver at a time

Combating malaria, one child and caregiver at a time

Malaria, diarrhea and respiratory tract Infections remain the leading causes of death for children under 5 in Liberia (source: UNICEF). Malaria alone accounts for more than 40% of outpatient visits and 33% of inpatient deaths.…
SOS Children’s Villages Liberia partners with US Center for Disease Control and Montserrado County Health Team to provide refresher training on infectious disease prevention and control to healthcare workers.

SOS Children’s Villages Liberia partners with US Center for Disease Control and Montserrado County Health Team to provide refresher training on infectious disease prevention and control to healthcare workers.

The training focused on 4 strategic areas – effective use of personal protective equipment (PPE), hand hygiene, patients flow, and laboratory strengthening. The partnership aimed at reducing the risk of healthcare workers contracting coronavirus as…
Anxiety and coping with the pandemic

Anxiety and coping with the pandemic

In Liberia, schools have been closed for several weeks now and children of all ages are at home now due to the coronavirus pandemic, leaving SOS mothers no other choice but having to combine doing…