(+231) 77-642-7209 sos-no@sosliberia.org

Supporting Children Learning through COVID-19

Supporting Children Learning through COVID-19

Supporting Children Learning through COVID-19

Since the Ministry of Education ordered educational facilities across the country closed in a bid to contain the virus, many families found themselves struggling to keep their children’s education on track. To help keep children learning, SOS Liberia had shifted lessons from the classrooms to the home of students under its Learning At Home programme. Part of the Learning At Home programme involves teachers delivering lessons in the core subjects to students in their homes. Parents are also aided to support their children at home.

This parent-teacher collaboration is keeping children’s engaged during the Coronavirus pandemic. Thus, at the Children’s Villages in Liberia, SOS Liberia is also supporting children and caregivers on a wide range of activities, including the provision of child-friendly materials on Coronavirus. “Learning At Home programme has been very helpful for children, their parents and caregivers.